A blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all people and the world by 2030 – Ratified by 193 UN members
NDC Commitments at COP 26 lead to 13.7% increase in CO2 by 2030.
To limit global warming to 2.0 C by 2100, CO2 will need to be reduced by 25% by 2030
To limit global warming to 1.5 C by 2100, CO2 will need to be reduced by 45% by 2030
Global average income:
Richest 10% = 9x poorest 10%
Gender, ethnicity, race, and disability status, beyond one’s control, and other circumstances affect access to education, health, income and resources as well as participation in social and political life
Global annual cost of bribery: $1.75 Trillion = 1% of GDP
Corporate boards to be diversified, gender balance reported.
Management must institute internal controls, manage risk and implement reliable reporting systems
What Stanwork Delivers
- Develop climate vision/ambition:
- Strategy: markets, models
- Enterprise transformation
- Value chain analysis
- PMO: deliverables and timelines
- Measurement & Reporting
- Strategy: representation, development, culture
- Establish benchmarks
- Engage stakeholders
- Train on DEI
- Measurement and Reporting
- Reporting structures
- Accountability and Authority
- Internal Controls Assessment
- Lines of Defense Strengthening
- Business Principles
- Reporting & Communication
Stanwork Principal Experience
- Conglomerate 24 business unit Portfolio evaluation and balancing against ESG risk and opportunity; divestment and investment
- Project development for biodegradable packaging plant.
- Assessment of climate/water risk for Agriculture portfolio
- DEI training design for a federal government department
- Stakeholder engagement and communications on DEI
- Workforce gender/background benchmarking, roadmap for increased inclusivity.
- Confidential complaint system.
- CEO training on business analysis and planning under PESTEL/SWOT/Porter frameworks
- Organizational responsibility, authority and control evaluation
- Business and operating model risk assessment, strengthening of Internal control and Lines of Defense.